CSS Grid is a powerful tool for creating complex layouts using a grid-based system. Here are the key Grid properties and examples of their usage.

Grid Container Properties

  1. display: grid; / display: inline-grid;
  • Sets an element as a grid container.
   .container {
     display: grid;
  1. grid-template-columns / grid-template-rows
  • Defines the number and sizes of columns/rows.
   .container {
     grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); /* three columns of equal width */
     grid-template-rows: 100px auto; /* first row 100px, second row auto */
  1. grid-template-areas
  • Allows you to name grid areas for easy item placement.
   .container {
       'header header header'
       'sidebar main main'
       'footer footer footer';
  1. grid-gap / column-gap / row-gap
  • Sets gaps between columns and rows.
   .container {
     grid-gap: 10px; /* gap between all rows and columns */

Grid Item Properties

  1. grid-column / grid-row
  • Defines where an item should start and end within the grid.
   .item {
     grid-column: 1 / 3; /* item spans the first and second columns */
     grid-row: 1 / 2; /* item spans the first row */
  1. grid-area
  • Used to place an item in a specific named area defined by grid-template-areas.
   .header {
     grid-area: header; /* item is placed in the "header" area */
  1. justify-self / align-self / place-self
  • Defines the alignment of the item within its grid cell.
   .item {
     justify-self: center; /* horizontal alignment */
     align-self: center; /* vertical alignment */
  1. grid-auto-flow
  • Controls how items are placed in the grid when they are not explicitly positioned.
  • Values: row (default), column, row dense, column dense.
   .container {
     grid-auto-flow: row; /* items are placed by rows */


👋 Hi, I’m Alex - frontend developer Frontend developer with a focus on clean HTML, CSS layout. With knowledge of Flexbox, Grid CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Basic JavaScript. Experience in ReactJS application development. More than 4 years in website development for small and medium-sized businesses, including web applications of varying levels of complexity. Attentive and diligent with good communication skills. 👀 My technical skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SASS, Bootstrap, Webpack, Vue/ReactJS, Laravel, Git, Postman, Gitlab CI/CD, Docker, JSON, REST API, SQL, NodeJS, Adobe CS, VS code, Webstorm, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Miro, Jira, Figma, Canva, Notion 🌱 My soft skills: Communication skills, responsibility, leadership skills, critical thinking, proactivity, ability to present concepts, justifying your design decisions, emotional intelligence

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